Треснувший экран Живые обои Apk

Треснувший экран Живые обои

Подделка экран смартфона трещины.

Cracked Screen LWP (Simulation) is an exciting and unique live wallpaper app designed for Android devices. This app features a simulation of a cracked screen that impressively mimics the appearance of a shattered screen. It is a fun and entertaining way to prank your friends and family by pretending that your phone screen is damaged. With Cracked Screen LWP (Simulation), you can choose from a variety of realistic broken screen effects, including spider-web cracks, shattered glass, and even a bullet hole. The app also allows you to customize the color of the background and adjust the sensitivity of the screen cracks to create a more realistic effect. Overall, Cracked Screen LWP (Simulation) is a must-have app for anyone looking for a unique and entertaining live wallpaper. Whether you want to make your friends laugh or simply add a fun and quirky touch to your Android device, this app is sure to impress.

Приложение Информация

November 19, 2023
Приложение Описание
Треснувший экран Живые обои делает ваши друзья думают, что экран смартфона поврежден или сломан.

Способ применения: Главная страница -> Меню -> стола -> Live стола

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