Correios Apk


Officiel ansøgning af postkontoret.

Correios is a well-known postal service company in Brazil that provides a range of postal and courier services to its users. Correios has now taken a step forward in technology by introducing its own mobile application, available on the Google Play Store. The Correios app is an all-in-one solution for users to easily access and manage their deliveries from a single platform. This app is designed with a sleek and user-friendly interface, making it easy for users to track, schedule and manage all their deliveries effortlessly. With Correios app, users can get timely updates, real-time tracking information, and detailed delivery information directly from their smartphones. In this review, we will discuss the unique features of the Correios app and how it can simplify your postal and courier needs.


May 27, 2024
Dette er den officielle Post Office App.

Applikationen tilbyder enkle, pålidelige og intuitive selvbetjeningsløsninger for at gøre din hverdag lettere. Bare installer det gratis for at få adgang til de forskellige funktioner:

*Simulation af priser og frister for nationale og internationale ordrer. *Sporing - Spor dine ordrer og modtag notifikationer i realtid.
*Betal postforsendelse og skatter - Betal gennem APP'en og strømline dine toldoperationer.
*Afgiv ordrer - På forhånd dine SEDEX- og PAC-forsendelser, ved at betale med kreditkort.
*Søgebureauer - Ved, hvor du finder det nærmeste bureau.
*APP Correios Celular - Tjek din saldo eller foretag genopladninger.
*Mine beskeder - Modtag fakturaer, regninger og andre meddelelser sikkert i din digitale postkasse.

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Bedømmelser Og Anmeldelser
5 159,400
4 35,422
3 26,566
2 8,855
1 17,711