Breastfeeding tracker Pump log Apk

Breastfeeding tracker Pump log

Easy tracking of baby feeding, pumping, diapers, sleep, care, newborn growth!

Breastfeeding is an essential part of a mother's journey with her newborn. It's not always an easy task, and managing the pumping schedule, feeding times, and milk production can be overwhelming. The Breastfeeding Tracker Pump Log app is the perfect solution for new mothers looking to organize their breastfeeding schedule and keep tabs on their baby's milk intake. The app is designed with a user-friendly interface that allows you to track breastfeeding and pumping sessions, as well as the amount of milk you produce during each pumping session. Moreover, it provides a simple way to record your baby's feeding times, the number of wet and dirty diapers, and your baby's weight, so that you have the necessary information at your fingertips when speaking to your healthcare provider. You can even set reminders for when to pump, and the app will notify you when it's time to start. Additionally, it provides a platform for you to connect with other mothers in a similar situation and track your progress along with others. Breastfeeding Tracker Pump Log app is available on the Google Play Store, and it's suitable for both first-time mothers and experienced breastfeeding parents. With this app, you can stay on top of your breastfeeding schedule efficiently and stress-free, giving you more time to focus on your little one.

App Information

May 08, 2024
Google Play ID
App Description
Baby tracker Erby helps you easily track and record breastfeeding, pumping, newborn activity, sleep statistics. It's also a handy food diary for your baby and nursing mom!

You will be able to make sure that the newborn is getting enough breast milk and to establish daily baby care. Enter information about food, beverages, medications, supplements you are taking. This will help identify allergic reactions in the infant.


Start the breastfeeding timer with one click! Track the duration of feedings, easily remember which breast you fed the last time: this will help to establish breastfeeding and avoid lactostasis. Record data on pumping and responses to the first complementary foods.
It is important for the growth and development of the newborn.


Consider the volume of expressed milk with the option to start the feeding timer separately for each breast or both at the same time.
Keep records of frozen milk - make sure you have enough stocks in your milk stash


Use a sleep tracker and note down when your child is asleep and awake. Record night and day sleep to understand baby's sleep and wake patterns.
Simple and convenient sleep timer


Schedule your diaper change so you know how many diapers you need. Write urination (with volume as needed) and bowel movements separately.
Diapers tracker will help keep your baby hydrated.


Mark various symptoms and baby temperature, enter data on vitamins, medicines, vaccination.
Record complementary feeding data and track the baby's response. Monitor your baby's weight gain and growth. Watch for teething. Erby is great for visiting a pediatrician.


Record bathing and walking, tummy time, games, massage.


View event statistics so you can spot trends and, if necessary, make adjustments to your baby's care. Study your daily routine. A complete history of events, the ability to filter them by type (for example, only walks or pump log) is always at your fingertips.

Set reminders for the events you need. You will not miss your medication and will not forget to feed or put your child to bed at the right time.


The Premium version has the full functionality of the application:

Restore and sync recordings across multiple devices;
Reminders for the exact date and time, the ability to turn off recurring reminders at night;
Full access to statistics;
Daily routine for all time;
Customizable widgets on the main page of the application;
Export data to Excel for analysis and printing;
Teeth records;
No ads.

Erby is not just a baby development and feeding log, it is a memory of your precious first months with him.

You can keep a diary for multiple children. Suitable for twins!

Our breast feeding app was created to help even the most sleep-deprived parents keep track of their baby's progress up to one-year-old by recording daily activities and feeding statistics in this easy-to-use diary.

We are always glad to receive your questions, suggestions, comments. Email us at [email protected]
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