Hexa Block Puzzle - Merge! Apk

Hexa Block Puzzle - Merge!

Poďte hrať Hexa Block Puzzle a dajte svojmu mozgu odpočinok!

Hexa Block Puzzle - Merge! is a fun and challenging puzzle game that will keep you entertained for hours. This app offers a unique twist on the classic block puzzle game by challenging players to merge hexagonal blocks instead of the traditional squares. With simple gameplay mechanics and addictive challenges, Hexa Block Puzzle - Merge! is the perfect puzzle game for both casual and experienced players. In this game, players must strategically place hexagonal blocks on a board and merge them to create larger blocks. The ultimate goal is to create a block that fills the entire board and earns the highest score possible. With its vibrant graphics and calming soundtrack, Hexa Block Puzzle - Merge! offers a relaxing way to unwind and exercise your brain at the same time. Whether you are a fan of puzzle games or just looking for a new challenge, Hexa Block Puzzle - Merge! is sure to become your next favorite app.


May 09, 2024
Popis Aplikácie
„Hexa Block Puzzle“ je návyková hra na zlúčenie čísla. Príďte hrať hexa puzzle, zlúčiť bloky hexa a dajte svojmu mozgu odpočinok!

Ako hrať?
⁃ potiahnite bloky hexa, aby ste ich presunuli. zlúčiť sa s väčším číselným blokom.
⁃ Hexa bloky sa dajú otočiť. náročné prelomiť vaše najvyššie skóre.
⁃ Ľahko sa prehráva. Classic Merge Game a Block Game pre všetky vekové kategórie!
⁃ Viacnásobné krásne obrázky na pozadí.
⁃ Viac materiálov blokov. ako: Iron, Crystal, Wood…

Príďte hrať túto hru a staňte sa majstrom hry Hexa Block Merge Game!
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