Maze Runner Apk

Maze Runner

Герой лабиринтов ждёт вас! Качайте скорей!

Maze Runner is a captivating and exciting mobile game that challenges your problem-solving skills in navigating through complex mazes. This app is a true test of your patience, concentration, and spatial awareness as you race against the clock to find your way to the finish line. With Maze Runner, you'll be entertained for hours on end, as you try to outsmart the complex maze traps that the game designers have embedded in the levels. Whether you're a puzzle enthusiast or just looking for a fun way to pass the time, Maze Runner is the perfect mobile game for you. So why not join the millions of players around the world and start running through the mazes today!

Приложение Информация

April 30, 2024
Google Play ID
Приложение Описание
Уникальная аркада с 3-мя режимами игры:
1) Бесконечный лабиринт.
2) Кампания с множеством уровней.
3) Лабиринты с этапами расширения.

Рейтинг: 3+.
Помоги герою лабиринтов справиться с задачей и не попасть в лапы алиенов!
Рейтинги И Обзоры
5 573
4 56
3 68
2 56
1 255