Traffic Driving Car Crash Apk

Traffic Driving Car Crash

Traffic Driving Car Crash Simulator game baru

Traffic accidents are a major concern on roads all over the world. It is important that drivers understand the importance of being safe on the road at all times. Thanks to technology, driving simulations can help drivers understand and practice safe driving skills. One such simulation is the Traffic Driving Car Crash app. The app is designed to provide users with a realistic driving experience that will test their driving skills and help them improve. With the Traffic Driving Car Crash app, users can experience the dangers of driving under different conditions and learn how to avoid accidents on the road. Overall, this simulation app is a great tool that can help drivers become more confident and safe on the road.

Informasi Aplikasi

Versi: Kapan
January 22, 2024
Deskripsi Aplikasi
Dapatkan di belakang kemudi dan nikmati pengalaman realistis terbaik dalam berkendara di lalu lintas.
Traffic Driving Car Crash Simulator berdiri sebagai salah satu game balap tak terbatas terbaik.

- Mudah dipelajari dan dikendarai
- Tampilan kokpit realistis 3D
- Mode permainan tanpa akhir
- Lokasi dan mobil yang berbeda untuk dipilih
- Kontrol seperti simulator

- Kontrol kendaraan Anda dengan sensor gerak atau sentuhan
- Sentuh tepat di layar untuk mempercepat
- Sentuh kiri di layar untuk memperlambat
- Anda dapat mengubah kontrol kendaraan melalui pengaturan
Peringkat Dan Ulasan
5 774
4 193
3 103
2 142
1 645