Voice Commands Assistant App Apk

Voice Commands Assistant App

Postavljanje aplikacije Alex Voice Command Home

Introducing the Voice for Alex App, a smart voice assistant designed to make your daily activities easier and more efficient. This app is designed to integrate with Amazon Echo, Echo Dot, and Echo Plus devices, enabling you to control various home appliances and access information on the go using just your voice. With Voice for Alex, you can experience the convenience of hands-free interaction with your devices, from playing music to ordering groceries, scheduling appointments, checking the weather, and so much more. With its intuitive and user-friendly interface, this app is perfect for those who are always on the go and need streamlined access to various resources. Get ready to explore a smarter and more efficient way of living with Voice for Alex. Download it today and begin enjoying its amazing features.

Informacije O Aplikaciji

June 04, 2024
Opis Aplikacije
Iako bi mogao izgledati samo kao komad plastike, uređaj - i pomoćnik aplikacije Alex unutar njega - mogu biti prilično korisni. Ali da biste maksimalno iskoristili svoj uređaj, morate znati kako razgovarati s aplikacijom Alex.
Popis glasovnih naredbi za aplikaciju Alex:
- Glasnoća i pauziranje
- Tajmeri i alarmi
- Opća pitanja

Koristite svog osobnog asistenta dok putujete, radite, učite, igrate se ili se opuštate. potražit će vas ono što želite znati ili poslušati, u nekoliko sekundi.
- Vijesti i vrijeme
- Reprodukcija medija
- Kupovina, kupovina
Ocjene I Pregledi
5 22,600
4 2,395
3 2,874
2 2,395
1 4,488