Şişe Çevirme Apk

Şişe Çevirme

El valor es la Verdad?

Şişe Çevirme, also known as Spin the Bottle, is a popular party game that has been enjoyed by people of all ages for generations. This game involves spinning a bottle, which then points to one player who is selected to perform a task or answer a question, typically of a daring or embarrassing nature. Now, the classic game of Şişe Çevirme can be played right from your smartphone with the Şişe Çevirme app. This app provides a fun and easy way to play the game with friends and family, no matter where you are. With a wide range of tasks and questions to choose from, the Şişe Çevirme app is sure to provide hours of entertainment and laughter.

Información De La Aplicación

May 15, 2024
Descripción De La Aplicación
¿Estás listo para divertirte y pasar un buen rato con tus amigos con el juego Bottle Flip? Si te aburres con tus amigos, ¿qué tal si resuelves el problema jugando a la verdad o al desafío?

Una vez que se ha dado la vuelta a la botella, la persona señalada al final de la botella debe responder la pregunta con sinceridad o cumplir con la tarea solicitada con todo su coraje.

Elige girar la botella y deja que comience el juego. ¿Verdad o reto?
Puntajes Y Reseñas
5 25,449
4 3,872
3 5,532
2 2,213
1 3,319