Regain: Screen time + Focus Apk

Regain: Screen time + Focus

Reduce screen time, avoid distractions & stay focused in a fun way.

Introducing Regain: Mindful Screen Time - Your Solution for Balanced Living. In today's digital world, it can be challenging to find the right balance between productivity and healthy screen time habits. We spend hours staring at screens, often getting lost in mindless scrolling, letting precious moments slip away. But what if there was an app that could help us regain control and make our screen time more purposeful and fulfilling? Regain: Mindful Screen Time is the ultimate companion for anyone seeking a balanced and mindful approach to their digital lifestyle. Designed with the aim to help users optimize their screen time and create healthier habits, this app is your gateway to productivity, focus, and overall well-being. With Regain, you no longer have to succumb to endless distractions or feel guilty about the time spent on your devices. Through its innovative features and thoughtfully curated content, this app empowers you to take back control of your screen time and make the most of every moment. Featuring a user-friendly interface, Regain offers a variety of functionalities to help you maintain a healthy relationship with your gadgets. The app provides insights into your usage patterns, allowing you to track your screen time and gain a better understanding of where your precious hours are going. One of the standout features of Regain is its ability to set goals and reminders. Whether you want to limit the time spent on certain apps or ensure regular breaks throughout the day, this app helps you stay on track and encourages mindful usage. Regain also offers a plethora of curated content to inspire and uplift you during your screen time. From motivational quotes and mindfulness tips to guided meditation sessions and breathing exercises, this app seamlessly integrates moments of relaxation into your digital experience. Furthermore, Regain goes beyond simply monitoring and managing your screen time. It provides personalized recommendations based on your preferences and goals, allowing you to discover new activities, hobbies, and interests that can be pursued offline. This way, you can strike a healthy balance between technology and real-life experiences. In a world that is increasingly dominated by screens, it is crucial to find ways to stay engaged, mindful, and present. Regain: Mindful Screen Time app is designed to help you reclaim your time, refocus your energy, and restore a sense of meaningful connection to the digital world. Download Regain: Mindful Screen Time now and embark on a transformative journey towards a more balanced and intentional digital lifestyle. It's time to regain control and make your screen time truly valuable.

App Information

June 05, 2024
Google Play ID
App Description
An average individual spends about 7 hours a day on their smartphones. Most of this time is spent mindlessly scrolling through social media. We no longer have control, our phone dictates how much time we spend on them. It sucks us into the digital world and drastically increasing our screen time.

It's time to take control of your most precious resource: time.

With Regain, in less than a week, you can:

🔥 Reduce your screen time by 25%
😌 Live a peaceful, interruption free life
🎯 Improve your focus drastically
✋ Avoid getting sucked in by social media platforms
💪 Only use your phone when it's necessary

Download Regain now & Take control of your focus, attention & time.

Why Choose Regain:

🕑 App Reminders: Regain isn't just an app blocker; Regain reminds you to mindfully spend your time on your apps. App limit helps you to set a daily usage limit. If you achieve it, you will be rewarded with streaks!

🔔 Schedule Notifications: View only important notifications immediately and schedule the rest to avoid distractions. Schedule individual chats and separate channels within an app. Customise your notification drawer without missing out on any notifications.

🎯 Focus Schedule: Schedule your focus time and don't get distracted my your apps. Enforce a strict block for your distracting apps during your study time, sleep time, work time, family time and much more.

🌟 Meet Rega, Your Screen-Time Buddy: A fun and wise friend who's here to guide you in reducing screen time. Rega is your cheerleader!

📊 Deep Insights: Dive into your screen time habits, understand and transform them with Regain.

Achieve all of these in a fun & gamified experience. Still waiting?

Accessibility Service API permission:

This app uses the Accessibility Service API to detect and intervene user-selected target apps features like YouTube Shorts Blocking. Your accessibility data never leaves your device.
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