NIV Bible version, Offline app Apk

NIV Bible version, Offline app

Bible New International Version audio

The NIV Bible Study - Offline app is a powerful tool for Christians who want to delve deeper into their understanding of the Bible. Providing access to the New International Version of the Bible, this app is a comprehensive resource that offers users an immersive and interactive experience for studying the scriptures. Offering offline accessibility, this app contains advanced search features, bookmarking, note-taking, and highlighting abilities. With interactive lesson plans and study guides, it's perfect for individuals, study groups, and small groups who are looking to deepen their understanding of God's Word. Whether you're a teacher, a student, a pastor, or anyone who wants to learn more about the Bible, the NIV Bible Study - Offline app is an ideal tool for study and reflection on the Word of God.

App Information

April 27, 2024
App Description
The New International Version (NIV) is an English translation of the Bible first published in 1978 by Biblica (formerly the International Bible Society). The NIV was published to meet the need for a modern translation done by Bible scholars using the earliest, highest quality manuscripts available. Of equal importance was that the Bible be expressed in broadly understood modern English.
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