Avast Cleanup – Phone Cleaner Apk

Avast Cleanup – Phone Cleaner

Storage Cleaner: Clear junk to make space on your device

Avast Cleanup is an Android app designed to provide a comprehensive phone cleaner, optimizer, and booster for your device. This application is developed by Avast Software, which is one of the leading companies in the field of cybersecurity, and it guarantees the safety and security of your phone by eliminating unwanted junk files, optimizing storage capacity, and boosting performance. With Avast Cleanup, you can manage your phone's storage space, free up RAM, and speed up your device with just a single tap. Whether you are experiencing slow device performance or struggling with storage issues, Avast Cleanup is the ultimate solution for all your phone-related problems. Install the app today and experience a faster, smoother, and optimized Android device.

App Information

May 20, 2024
Google Play ID
App Description
Avast Cleanup is a cleaner app for Android that can help you:
• Analyze phone's storage space and clear unnecessary data
• Clean your photo library
• Identify and delete apps you no longer use
• Identify largest files, media, apps, and junk on your device

This app uses Accessibility permission to assist disabled and other users stop all background apps with just one tap.

Disclaimer: Certain automatic profiles are automatically triggered based on your device's location, which requires access to location data we'll be using in the background. We'll ask for permission to access this data before using it.
Ratings and reviews
5 982,567
4 228,756
3 61,813
2 14,434
1 36,669