304 Apk


Play 304 Online Card Game

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App Information

May 07, 2024
Google Play ID
App Description
304 is a trick-taking card game for four players, organized into two teams. Players bid on the total points their team must accumulate. The highest bidder secretly selects a trump card. The goal is to achieve the bid by winning enough tricks and when possible call "caps" to winning all eight tricks. Timing caps calls is crucial for victory in this complex and strategic game.

Skills Required:
Card Counting: Players need to keep track of played cards for informed decisions.
Observation: Careful observation of opponents' cards helps deduce the hidden trump suit.
Strategic Bidding: Wise bids consider card holdings and total points to attain.
Trump Management: Skillful use of the hidden trump card influences outcomes.
Memory Skills: A good memory aids in recalling played cards and suit distributions.
Risk Assessment: Gauging the risks of revealing the trump card is crucial.
Team Coordination: Effective non-verbal communication is vital for strategy.Bluffing and Misdirection: Deceptive tactics can create favorable opportunities.
Calling Caps: Timing and decision-making are key to calling caps at the right moment and securing victory.